There are lots of ways to get involved in the Nuestro Mundo community. Businesses can adopt a school or sponsor an event, individuals can volunteer as a mentor in the classroom or can help with events, fundraisers, and after school clubs. Families can attend community programs.
Nuestro Mundo, Inc is a volunteer-run organization with one part-time employee. We eagerly welcome assistance in a variety of activities including the website, program planning, donor outreach, grant writing, accounting, and educational evaluation. If you’re interested in helping enrich the lives of children in our community, consider volunteering.
There are several ways that parents can be involved to help support the broader Nuestro Mundo and build community, including:
- Nuestro Mundo Inc (NMI)
- Family School Alliance (FSA)
- Room Parent
- Event volunteer
- School partner/supporter
Learn more about each option below, and share your interest and questions here: https://forms.gle/fLRmT52rtkwL19BKA
Nuestro Mundo, Inc.
What is it?
- Nuestro Mundo, Inc. (NMI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that acts as the governance council
for Nuestro Mundo Community School (NMCS). NMI guides the growth and development of the
school, advocates for NMCS’s future, promotes NMCS in the community to develop partnerships
and expand opportunities for dual language education
What might I do?
- Examples include: create marketing materials to attract potential NMCS families,
Write a grant proposal to support DLI community/school initiatives, reach out to local community
organizations and businesses to educate about NMCS and foster support/collaboration, update
NMI website, and more!
What is the time commitment?
- NMI meets once/month (evening), and a light dinner is provided.
Childcare is available when requested in advance.Meetings are conducted in English/Spanish
(alternating months) with interpretation available. Most board members can expect to spend 5-10
hours/month on board responsibilities and projects
How can I get involved?
- NMI welcomes assistance in a variety of activities including fundraising, communications, IT, accounting, educational evaluation, and more! Board meetings are open to the public. Please reach out if you’d like to attend one or learn more.
Family & School Alliance
What is it?
- FSA is run by parents/guardians and serves as the PTO/PTA. FSA builds community
among NMCS families, celebrates NMCS staff, provides financial support for school programs and
ideas, organizes parent volunteers for events, and gives input and information about school issues.
What might I do? Attend a meeting to connect with other parents and learn about a school issue
(for example, Welcoming Schools, anti-bullying, reading instruction), share an idea for a community
event or collaborate with others to help plan one, participate in a school fundraiser such as using
Woodman’s gift cards, donation nights at restaurants, or teacher appreciation week, or support the
Green Team with gardening or classroom science support.
What is the time commitment?
- FSA meets monthly, both in-person and virtual (in 2023-24 on Tuesdays, with food/childcare for in-person meetings), and has regular opportunities to help with events and school activities that can involve planning calls/emails during the week.
How can I get involved?
- We invite you to join our monthly meetings to get involved and learn more.
Room Parent
What is it?
- Room parents help in their student’s classroom and support the teacher
What might I do?
- Coordinate/create a snack sign-up for the year, work with other grade-level
room parents to organize social events outside of school, make copies as requested by the
classroom teacher, volunteer to help out in the classroom.
What is the time commitment?
- As much or little involved as you are able. It is often best
shared among 2-3 parents and/or guardians in the classroom preferably with at least one
bilingual-speaking parent and/or guardian.
How can I get involved? A room parent meeting is held at the beginning of the school year. Reach out if you’d like to attend or learn more.
Event Volunteer
What is it?
- During the school, NMCS has several schoolwide, FSA, and community events that
depend on parents for support, including both time and resources.
What might I do?
- Parents can help with school events including back-to-school, fun run,
cultural celebrations like Día de los muertos, graduation and end-of-year events, field-trip
chaperones, and more community-building events.
What is the time commitment?
- Commitment can be as short as taking one shift to helping
design or plan an event, or provide childcare at an FSA or NMI meeting.
How can I get involved?
- Watch school newsletter/See saw notices for upcoming events and opportunities, or share your ideas with FSA leadership.
School Supporter/Partner
What is it?
- NMCS regularly looks for additional resources to support teachers, school activities, and community events and knows there are many great community organizations, foundations,
and businesses that want to support our school!
What do we do?
- Parents can help with making and soliciting direct donations (fun-run sponsor, food for meetings, other fundraisers), and using their business and community connections to identify other partners such as a company to donate food, services, or prizes for a school event,
or a business that might form an Adopt-a-school partners through the Madison Public Schools
What is the time commitment?
- Minimal time commitment – this is about leveraging your network to support NMCS!
How can I get involved? Please reach out!